Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where is the time going?!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is only 23 days away!!
Time is flying by!

We will have EARLY RELEASE on December 18-20. 
Students will be released at 12:20pm.  There is no school on Friday, December 21st!  We have LOTS of fun things planned till then.

Stay Tunned

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bat Fun

We had so much fun creating our bat pictograph.  We first had to decide if we thought bats {real ones} were cute or creepy.  To my amazement, the majority of the class voted CUTE!  I was shocked!

We then created our pictograph and analyzed our data.
Then we made those adorable bats!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We have been busy!

The beginning of the year is always super busy and hectic as we are all getting into the daily routine of a brand new school and a brand new class.
We have spent the past couple of weeks getting to know each other and "fine tuning" our daily routine and, of course, having LOTS of fun in between! 
Here's a peek at what we've been up to lately in Room 309!

 We worked on using math manipulatives {of course we played too}!
 We worked on writing and counting numbers 1-10 with Chester from the "Kissing Hand" story.
 We sorted letters on our "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" trees.

 We began working in our Imagine It Skills Practice books, applying many different language and grammar skills learned daily.
 We made our first "themed snack."  Our yummy Chicka Chikca Boom Boom trees! {crackers, apple slices, grapes, and alphabet cereal}
 The best part of our first weeks together has been meeting and hanging out with our "big" second grade reading buddies {Mrs. Green's Class}!  
We are so excited to share our year with these "big kids."

This week we will be planting our first set of vegetables in our "reading buddy" garden!  We are so excited to grow our own food and then EAT IT!!!

***If you have not signed up for a Parent-Teacher Conference please do so as soon as possible!!!  These are MANDATORY for the first nine weeks!  

Thank you!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Under Construction

Bare with me while I wait for my website name gets changed! :)
In the meantime, browse around!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

There will be NO homework until the week of April 30th due to FCAT and ITBS Testing!

Enjoy the two week break! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

100 days old!

It's hard to believe that the 100th day of school has already come and gone!  We certainly had an extra fun day!
Here are few pictures of our 100th day of fun extravaganza:
 Our sweet "old ladies!"
                                The handsome "old men"

 Our three wonderful 100 item t-shirts!!! So creative!
The final pictures were taken while we made our 100 fruit loop necklaces in groups of ten.  We first sorted them by color, then into groups of ten, then added them to our necklaces marking each group of 10 with a hanging number.  Most of these didn't make them home as we ate our tasty necklaces! :)

Be on the lookout for our Valentine Breakfast info sheet coming home this week!