Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Fall

Have a very relaxing and wonderful


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Reading Buddies

One of our favorite things about Friday's is when we get to see our reading buddies!  Our class has partnered up with Mrs. Green's third grade class this year to be reading buddies.  During this thirty-minute time we are practicing buddy reading {just like we do during the Daily Five}, using and applying reading strategies we've learned in class, and helping one another to become better readers.  Some of us share reading buddies, which makes it even more fun!

Here are a couple pictures of us reading with our big buddies.  Boy, do we love reading with them!
 Here we are practicing sitting EEKK!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Our website has been updated!  Be sure to check out our class wish list, important dates, and newsletters.

Look for more exciting pictures to come!  We have been super busy this week and have lots of cute and fun things to share!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Book Fair

Our day to go to the book fair is next Tuesday, November 8 from 9:45-10:15!

Family night will be the same day from 5-8pm.

The book fair is located in the old cafeteria.